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Shared resources

Rachel Robertson
The resource that I have found and like to use is Kahoot. This is a great tool to help students to study for tests or quizzes.  They like signing in and trying to beat their friends all the time trying to answer correctly. I know that there are kids that try to get around the system to just win instead of studying and that is on them, but Ii know that there are other teachers that link it to a platform and kids can use it to study later or if they were absent the day that the Kahoot was given.
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Re: Shared resources

Mandey Kinzenbaw
I have heard of Kahoot and have used it some in classrooms I sub in.  I agree that while there may be ways around it for some, it is a fun way to study and helps the kids that actually use it!  It can make for a rowdy classroom at times as I found out, but the kids were really into it and I thought was worth the noise.