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Sharon Seaton - A Day in the Life

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Sharon Seaton - A Day in the Life

Sharon Seaton

I need to go into school today.  Need some help with this Biology assignment.  I am sure glad the teachers are here from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.  I would not be able to take college classes during the day and work at night plus go to high school if they just worked until 3:15pm.  Oh here she is.  " Hi Mrs. Seaton".  "Hi Gus, what can I do for you today?" Mrs. Seaton is our science teacher.  She teaches all the science classes.  I get a computer and sit down with her and begin to ask all my questions.  That is the way it is here.  We have to take a certain number of classes and complete the required work, but then I get to choose what I want to study. I can come either in the morning or the afternoon.  I can work on my own or with others who have the same classes I do.  I can work in the classroom or the student lounge. We have rules here but for the most part everyone does their part.  I struggle sometimes with computers that don't work or if my teachers are gone or busy I have to wait. I like it here.
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Re: Sharon Seaton - A Day in the Life

Sharon Seaton
Here is my second draft.  I would add this to my original.

Today I need to check out my classes for this semester.  I get to visit each teacher and choose from a variety of subjects to learn in each core area.  I think in science I would like to learn more about the human body so I will probably choose more modules in this area.  I also am getting to write my own textbook.  I am not sure how this will work but it seems like a journal almost.   I have been told I need to have a set of required courses but beyond that I get to choose. This seems to me to be a better way to learn as I am not being told everything I need to memorize or do.  I get a say and I like that!
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Re: Sharon Seaton - A Day in the Life

Sharon Seaton
Here is my 3rd draft

I have always dreamed of being an astronaut.  In my school I can choose what classes with guidance from my teachers what classes will help me reach this goal.  i can work at home, school, work, on vacation, just about from anywhere.  I get to choose what books, articles, textbooks or I can write my own as I search and research for information.  I I am interested in so many new things and I feel like I have a clear path to my future. It is done by me, for me and can be changed as I need it to change.  I still have to take tests, quizzes and some required courses but I am in charge of my learning and that feels amazing!
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Re: Sharon Seaton - A Day in the Life

In reply to this post by Sharon Seaton
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