I teacher 6,7,8 grade and 5th next year. Sixth grade does not have Ecosystems... in their curriculum standards so I went to the 7th grade standards where this is taught.
I selected LS:MS2-3. Develop a model to describe the cycling of matter and flow of energy among living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem.
SEP: Developing and Using Models
Prior to having the students develop a model, the students will have already learned the process of the purpose of a model, why they are used, when they are used etc. This will be in the science notebook that they create and the students will have the information as a reference tool to look at. In the video, it is said that models allow students to grasp concepts at a deeper level of understanding. With this being true, students can be reminded of a model through questioning to jar a students memory.
CCC: Energy and Matter
Students have learned about matter energy in 5th grade and know they will expand on prior knowledge so they will be able to demonstrate what they know. The students will demonstrate the energy period where all energy begins with producers/autotrophs. The students will then demonstrate how primary consumers eat the producers, then to secondary consumers, and finally end with the tertiary consumers. The students will explain how the decomposers/detritivores fit in the energy pyramid and the food chain and food web of an ecosystem.
DCI: Cycle of Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems
There are many different cycles of matter and energy in an ecosystem. First there is the water cycle, the nitrogen cycle, potassium cycle and the carbon cycle. Each of these play a very important role in the ecosystems and everything interacts with the abiotic and biotic items. Energy is also exchanged in the energy pyramid. Each level from the producers to the top tertiary consumers only gains 10% of the prior level before it.