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Tracy Petersen personalization vs differentiation

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Tracy Petersen personalization vs differentiation

Tracy Petersen
I have been thinking about these two views, and thinking about the learning path. I would see differentiation as leading all students down the same path in the learning "meadow" but some students going slow, some faster, some taking breaks, some using a walking stick, others in hiking boots but with the teacher leading the hike. With personalization, however, the teacher might be following right behind the student who is making his own path through the meadow, again at his own pace and with his own backpack and equipment, with the teacher sharing from his/her backpack as needed when the student doesn't have the necessary tools. Both groups make it through the meadow and both may have learned something on their hike and even had fun, but the students who made their own path learned how to go through the meadow and could probably navigate the next meadow on their own, while the differentiated group would probably still need a guide.
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Re: Tracy Petersen personalization vs differentiation

You should explore more games in fnaf