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Tweet, Tweet and Beneficial Twitter Hashtags

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Tweet, Tweet and Beneficial Twitter Hashtags

Joyce Keeling
A Tweeter I am becoming.  Twitter is a new social media for me.  What are some Twitter hashtags or uses that would benefit others to connect with Twitter?  

Yes, there is an awesome web page on educational hashtag; such as, http://www.teachthought.com/twitter-hashtags-for-teacher 
Some of my favorite hashtags from that web site that would be beneficial for education are as follows:
 #byod or even #ipad (would be good where iPads or other such devices would be needed), #literacy (one could set up a tweet tag for the literacy committee), #cyberbulling (students could join this sweet tweet tag), #elementarymath (target an elementary group of educators teaching math in the Common Core), #booksmiddleschool (sharing or tweeting favorite books with Middle School students and teachers), #library (for sharing or tweeting great new or popular books), and so on.

What are some of your most used hashtags of benefit for educators as well?