Using VTS in my classroom

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Using VTS in my classroom

Mary Hard
I think that using VTS would be a terrific way for my students to develop their critical thinking and conversational skills. In the article about VTS, the author discussed 5 stages that people go through in developing visual thinking strategies. I feel that most of my 5th grade students would be at stage 1, but could progress to stage 2 where they are able to see that even though they may not have an appreciation for the art or piece being studied, others may find beauty/value. I haven't spent a lot of time having my students discuss images or art, but am excited to start using these strategies in our classroom.

The Learning Network at The New York Times posts a new photo each Monday with the question "What is going on in this picutre?" They then ask questions and students can comment with their responses - a VTS discussion. I think this would be really neat for my students to discuss as a class, then to either respond or read the responses of others.
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Re: Using VTS in my classroom

Mattie Spain
I really like the link that you provided. Allowing students the opportunity to do this as a station even once per week would normalize the VTS process, and it begins to run smoothly and generate deep discussions. VTS really is a wonderful thing. You mentioned having 5th graders. With my second graders we get deeper into a topic using VTS than if it were just taught. The level of depth in conversations among 5th graders would be amazing.
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Re: Using VTS in my classroom

Kristin Kalcevich
In reply to this post by Mary Hard
I also really liked this link! I think that your idea of incorporating VTS using these pictures could really enhance your social studies lessons and lead to some really interesting discussions about current events, while using this arts-based strategy.

I personally teach much younger children but I love the idea of mimicking this idea using more age-appropriate photographs or images. This could be a daily warm up to help build observation and language skills.
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Re: Using VTS in my classroom

Kristin Kalcevich
In reply to this post by Mary Hard
I also really liked this link! I think that your idea of incorporating VTS using these pictures could really enhance your social studies lessons and lead to some really interesting discussions about current events, while using this arts-based strategy.

I personally teach much younger children but I love the idea of mimicking this idea using more age-appropriate photographs or images. This could be a daily warm up to help build observation and language skills.