Referring back to the videos, articles, etc. that you read/watched about VTS, discuss the implications and use in your classroom of implementing and using VTS. Add at least one website link, with a brief description about it, that demonstrates a way to use VTS in a classroom. Respond to 2 other participants.
My Response:
When teaching my kindergartners how to read the first way that I teach them to read is by reading the pictures. We go through and talk about what is happening in each picture. We discuss how to add details lots of details so we can really start to understand the story. As a whole class we did an activity where we made up a story based on these four pictures that I drew. We came back the next day and added more details to make the story more juicy. My class this year had a lot of extremely creative kiddos and I think that these type of activities really allowed these kiddos to thrive.
This website gives you an introduction to VTS and it also discusses good resources for integrating VTS into your classroom. Visual thinking skills can truly help give students a different outlook and perception on things.