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Dianna K. Hanna
I have a 3rd grade group that is a handful!  They are very creative and full of energy, which is what I like about them!  I need to be the same.  Allowing them to analyze a picture, and taking turns vocalizing their thoughts would be a stretch for this bunch, but approaching an exercise like this would need to be  well thought out in advance.  Stating the steps to be followed and adheared to would be key.  I think they would be enthusiastic to share their ideas with the others.  A neutral picture, that both the boys and girls could relate to, would also be a wise strategy.  Getting them to think, and look at all angles of a piece of art, and its meaning, would inspire creative interpretation and critical thinking skills.  https://vimeo.com/194859855  this website shows young kids describing what they see and how they see it from their perspective.  The teacher keeps the dialogue moving, and gives all the kids a chance to voice their opinion.
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Mary Hard
My 5th graders are an energetic bunch as well! I think that while introducing VTS would need to be done whole group, my students might find more benefit when working in small groups or with partners. The video that showed the students in small groups had the students applying strategies that they had obviously had practice with before. Once my students can get a feel for HOW to have a discussion and what to look for, I think that they would really enjoy small discussions. I also like your idea of a neutral image, I hadn't thought of how students might interpret the art/images.
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