What are students expected to know and do?

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What are students expected to know and do?

Melodean Montaque
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The standard I have selected is 3PS2-1-Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effect of balance and unbalance forces on the motion of an object.

Science and Engineer Practices: - Planning and carrying out investigations collaboratively to answer questions based on previous experiences doing so by controlling variables to produce data which will serve as evidence. For this practice the teach can provide scaffold for the students by raising questions about the force or motion of objects. Guiding them to identify variables to manipulate then carrying out the experiments and collecting the data.
Disciplinary Core Ideas: - Force acting on an object has both strength and direction and even an object at rest has forces acting on it. If the forces acting on the object is equal in strength, then there will not be any motion. If the forces are unequal, then that can change the object's direction of motion.
Crosscutting Concept: - Cause and effect relationships are routinely identified. Through experimenting and working with their peers, students would gradually see through the chain of interaction between the motion and the force being applied the cause-and-effect relationships.