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resource i found that I can use with students.

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resource i found that I can use with students.

Share a specific resource you have found and how you might use this site with students. Once you have shared, explore other postings to find how other participants have used a tool. Make a comment on at least one post to explain how you might also use that tool

Personally, I love using quizlet, it is very organized and less time consuming. I love that there are digital flashcards and somehow you can play games on it. For example, Kahoot but quizlet let also has good games. The kids really seem to enjoy them and on top of that they are learning as well.
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Re: resource i found that I can use with students.

Mark Haufle
I have also heard of teachers in our building using quizlet.  It seems to really get the students engaged and excited about learning.
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Re: resource i found that I can use with students.

Kaley Lehan
In reply to this post by ruth.subba@dmschools.org
I love Kahoot. Quizlet sounds like it would also be a great resource to use for students. It would be great to use to help make asking questions more fun while learning.
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Re: resource i found that I can use with students.

Kairee Treinen
In reply to this post by ruth.subba@dmschools.org
I love using Quizlet.  I am a para and make up study guides for my students. I use it a lot with science classes and the students really love it. They are so used to technology so they are comfortable with it and like it more than studying paper notes. Sometimes I have them make their own so that they are practicing the words in another way.
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Re: resource i found that I can use with students.

Jen Panther
In reply to this post by ruth.subba@dmschools.org
I love using Quizlet with my older students. I have used it where students are the ones creating the quiz to show me their level of understanding of the topics we are covering. It is cool when you hear them say "on Quizlet" when they are reviewing.