5 Tools: Remind, WeVideo, PowToons, Kahoot & Google Drive.

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5 Tools: Remind, WeVideo, PowToons, Kahoot & Google Drive.

Brian Johnson
Learning tools: Communication

Remind - Remind is a great app/program for communicating with a group of students via text messages. I would like to use it in the future to communicate with student volunteers. Remind sets up a number that you can text and it send out a mass text to everyone on the list. The people on the list can send messages back to you but not to other people on the list. It is open so parents/administrators can be added to the list to see what is being sent out to students. I often have students tell me that the best way to communicate with them is via text messages so using Remind should be a great way to garner participation in events and activities. I just need to make sure that they sign up ahead of time.

Learning tools: Collaboration

While it isn't on the list, we use WeVideo for collaboration with students. We can create groups in our online classroom of students. Students can upload and share media between their group members so all members can have access to the same files. You can change the settings so everyone can work on their own project using the same project files, or the team can work collaborative on the same video. If you work collaboratively on the same video it has to be asynchronous as only one person can edit the video at a time.

Learning tools: Creativity
PowToons is an easy way for students to make professional looking videos without knowing all of the back end. PowToons is a drag and drop system where students work on a timeline to make animated videos.  They can bring sound, motion and images together to make something much more interesting than your standard powerpoint. There are quite a few templates that students can use and customize so they won't all look the same.

Learning tools: Critical Thinking
Kahoot is one of these resources that could fall under multiple categories. Kahoot is an online quiz generator where the teacher creates the quiz. You are limited to four different answers for each question. When the quiz starts students log in using their mobile device or computer. Questions flash on the screen and the students must click on the right answer. Speed counts, so the students who click the right answer first earn more points. Kahoot is a great tool to evaluate what students know, throwing in elements of games to make it interesting.

Learning tools: Organization
GoogleDrive (or Office 365) are web resources that all teachers should be familiar with and teach students how to use. Both of these tools allow users to organize their digital content and make it available online no matter where the user is (as long as there is a wifi connection).  We use the organization structure of GoogleDrive just like the folders on the computer, and use GoogleDrive to sync the data so we don't have to worry about accidentally loosing it due to the computer crashing. Google Drive is great in allowing students to collaboratively work on documents and share comments and ideas.