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A Day in the Life..

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A Day in the Life..

Abby Bock
7 posts
I am not understanding what is being taught in math. I have been confused the last couple days and feel so dumb for being behind; I didn’t learn this stuff at my other school. I am dreading going to math class. I just failed my quiz and really don’t want to get it back. What if someone sees my score? Good thing Mrs. Bock has time to work with me during AP and can help get me caught up. I am sure I will do better on my retake quiz after getting some one-on-one help.
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Re: A Day in the Life..

Abby Bock
8 posts
This post was updated on Feb 23, 2017; 7:58pm.
Math has been a struggle for me at this new school. I have been confused the last couple days because I didn’t learn this stuff at my other school and I didn’t learn in this way. At my other school, my math teacher never tracked how I was doing, and I didn’t have to do pre/post tests. After being at this new school, I like taking pre and post-tests in math. They help Mrs. Bock see if I know what I’m doing. If I fail my post-test, she has a plan that I follow during Additional Practice time. What I do during AP is usually different than what my friends are doing. I am not dreading math anymore and I am no longer worried about my horrible test score. Good thing Mrs. Bock has time to work with me during AP and can help get me caught up. I am sure I will do better on my retake test after working through my personal learning plan.
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Re: A Day in the Life..

Abby Bock
8 posts
Math has been a struggle for me at this new school. I have been confused the last couple days because I didn’t learn this stuff at my other school and I didn’t learn in this way. At my other school, my math teacher never tracked how I was doing, and I didn’t have to do pre/post tests. After being at this new school, I like taking pre and post-tests in math. They help Mrs. Bock see if I know what I’m doing. If I fail my post-test, she has a plan that I follow during Additional Practice time. What I do during AP is usually different than what my friends are doing. I am not dreading math anymore and I am no longer worried about my horrible test score. Good thing Mrs. Bock has time to work with me during AP and can help get me caught up. I am sure I will do better on my retake test after working through my personal learning plan.

I thought I would get caught up quickly with the new plan that Mrs. Bock made for me, but I have continued to miss a lot of school. Now I am so far behind that I don’t know if I can get everything done before the end of the quarter, next week. Mrs. Bock said she wants to have a conference with me to discuss a way for me to show my learning without doing all 12 assignments that I’m missing. What a relief it is to know she is willing to find a different way for me to learn the skills.
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Re: A Day in the Life..

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