Create a Graph - Kids Zone

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Create a Graph - Kids Zone

Kevin Richardson
I really liked this one because it went step by step on how to create these graphs.  Students could use the website fairly easy & by themselves with little help.  They could create a wide variety of graphs/cart and have them look very different.
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Re: Create a Graph - Kids Zone

Lisa Conry
This is a pretty cool app! I agree, making their own graphs/charts by themselves or with little help, would be great! They would understand the ground work of building them and I think it may help them out later on when reading them in upper grades or in the future for a make them easier to read, understand, and comprehend the complex ones, too.
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Re: Create a Graph - Kids Zone

Sara Ronan
In reply to this post by Kevin Richardson
The Create a Graph looks like it would be great for the kids to get a feel for making and understanding graphs.  I would have the students have ideas for taking surveys and then graph their findings.