DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource

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DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource

Kim Zaccone
Digital Literacy Resource Sharing:

Learning tools:Communication
Of the listed tools I have used edmodo, google drive, padlet, wordle, audacity, voicethread, prezi, lino, today’s meet, audacity, toondoo and voki.  I was able to use a variety of tools while teaching talented and gifted students.  They are all so very different that it is hard to choose one to discuss.  In fact, some I didn’t remember using until I checked them out again.  These are just a fraction of the number of tools available and this is already overwhelming.  Each tool’s specific use is not necessary to remember, just remembering that there are tools out there that are “like” these is enough to say...do something new and different to communicate your messages. I have to say though that most tools would be predictably available.  A tool like “today’s meet” is unique enough to remember.

Learning tools: Collaboration
I use mind mapping and diagramming tools like bubbl.us, lucid, cacoo, to brainstorm in STEM classes.  I also like the students to understand their thinking process and flowcharting is an essential tool to use.

 Learning tools: Creativity
I notice some of the same tools listed here as in the previous two sections.  Two of the tools listed Tynker and Scratch are really the same tool.  I have used them both for computer programming in STEM courses.  There are advantageous and disadvantageous to both.  
Tynker is more user friendly because it has tutorials and help screens.  It also has “physics” and code leveling.  The editor is terrible and all material is saved online and can be glitchy.
Scratch is more robust.  There are plenty of resources already developed for its use.  It is less “shareable”.

Learning tools: Critical Thinking
I am not impressed with this list of tools.  Mostly mindmaps again.  I do use “Create a Graph”, but I really don’t see this as a Critical Thinking tool. I looked at a couple I didn’t know.  Kahoot and Polls Everywhere.  Kahoot… I couldn’t get on a topic where anyone else was participating.  Polls Everywhere seems very useful, but it isn’t about critical thinking, it is about data gathering.

 Learning tools: Organization
I have used diigo, but it doesn’t really work for STEM classes, more social studies.  I love symbaloo, but even that gets over loaded.  I think pinterest for professional use is haphazard.  Picasa is better used as an organizational presentation tool, for example, I have said to students, when gathering information on your topic, two websites, two videos, two pictures and post it on picasa. Youtube is a must though!  Use it correctly with reminder emails and it is awesome.