DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource

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DC Digital Literacy: Share Resource

Paul C. Jeffers
There were some really good sites out there and it's difficult to choose just one to share.  I have used Skype in the past, but the problem with that is the necessity of having a camera and that some people may not want to be seen in "real life", as they may not be in a presentable fashion.  Paper.li was an interesting way of getting a presence out on the web, but as it stated in this module, some of the content may be unreliable.  Bubble.us was an interesting site to help make more exciting presentations that are more visually appealing.  But, to me, the best was remind.com.  The ability to communicate with people without necessarily calling them on a cell phone, using text messaging, is a great tool.  I'm not exactly sure of how it would work with PC's (perhaps via email?) or tablets/Kindles/Nooks (obviously they would need to be connected to the Internet, via a hotspot or a network), but I think the ability to communicate rapidly is a very useful tool.  A teacher could post homework, answers to FAQ's, etc.