DC Digital Literacy Share resource

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DC Digital Literacy Share resource

I would use the site Educreations Whiteboard to prepare lessons and to add visuals/pictures to those lessons. I think this would also be a way to get students more involved. The website states you can "Annotate, animate, and narrate nearly any type of content as you explain any concept." I think that putting all three of these together will help create lessons for students who learn in all kinds of ways. Educreations Whiteboard also allows teachers to create short video lessons. If a teacher knew they were going to be gone, they could do this ahead of time and then students would still see the teacher in the video when played by the substitute teacher. The app also lets you create classrooms and have students join virtually. This would be helpful for snow days or days that schools are closed. It would allow students to make up work also if they have to be gone from school. The amount of sites that lessons can be shared through are numerous so every student could have access, no matter what social media site they subscribe to. I also like that it allows the teacher to provide audio and video feedback to the students. I think this would be helpful also. This site lets you create a draft and save it and then finish it later. I think that this is helpful with all the things teachers have to accomplish. It is a time saver. It appears that this app has a ton of storage, especially if you upgrade to the pro version, so you never have to worry about losing work or having to choose what to get rid of. The reviews of the website seem very good. There were some concerns with organization of videos, but overall, people really seem to like this app. The only drawback is that it seems like it only works on an iPad. This might be tough for students who do not have an iPad or iPhone. I know most one to one schools use laptops, so this might be difficult to access for everyone.
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Re: DC Digital Literacy Share resource

Sara Sleyster
I like idea of using this site to create videos for students as part of the sub plans. It would also be helpful for students who have missed school and need to catch up, as well.