DC Digital Literacy

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DC Digital Literacy

Krista Gafkjen
Communication - Remind.com & Tagxedo.com I really liked the ease of the reminders in Remind.com. The creator grew up with learning disabilities and wanted to make a difference for others like him. I admire that. Middle school students and parents alike might like the text reminders. I already use word clouds in my classroom. The Tagxedo site is another way to use them. I look forward to trying something new.

Collaboration - bubbl.us and Google drive. Bubbl.us is a brainstorming site that uses graphic organizers. Visual is always good. I've used Google Drive to some extent in the past. Would like to try to incorporate it more.

Critical Thinking - bubbl.us and text2mindmap.com both look like great sites for students to get their ideas out "on paper" so they can discuss with others.

Creativity- PowToon I was introduced to this last year by a fellow teacher. I have yet to use it. It takes presentations to a whole new level. The students really can get in to it.

Organization - bubbl.us and Google Drive These sites have overlapped categories, and I like that. If they can be used for more than one digital literacy area, great! Middle Schoolers in general need help with organization. If I can help them along that path in any way, I'd like to try.
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Re: DC Digital Literacy

Alison Graham
Thank you for sharing your experience with Bubbl.us   I do not currently have a classroom of my own, but based on what you described I am thankful that my thought process seems to be spot on with my intended use of the organizational tool.  I know that some kids are very visual and would likely very much enjoy this.  I also like that this might be a comfortable way to stretch those who are not as visual in nature.  Seems like a win win for all!