DC Digital Literacy

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DC Digital Literacy

Amy Williams
Communication - Today's Meet - I think that this would be a great way to do a concert reflection.  I am able to pose questions to the class and they can answer and see the answers of other students.  I also like the fact that the the chat room disappears after a given amount of time.

Collaboration - Think Binder - This seems to be a great way for students to study or work together from a distance.  This would be a great way to have students plan their group projects without taking class time to work on it.  Then they could use the class time to do all of the hands on work for their projects.

Creativity - Garage Band - This is a great resource for students to see what different elements can do to sound. You are able to manipulate pitch, tone, and timbre.  This is a great resource to have students apply the knowledge that they have worked to acquire in general music.

Critical Thinking - Kahoot! - I think that this is great way to assess student's knowledge.  By using games to assess the knowledge the students often times do not even know that they are being tested.

Organization - Google Drive - I love that I can create a folder for each student and then they are able to share their work with me.  I can then make comments on the work and they see in real time what I am thinking.
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Re: DC Digital Literacy

Lisa Roeth
I was not familiar with Kahoot until I read it in your post.  I have created an account and plan to explore its capabilities and try it with my high school math classes in the fall.