DC Digital Literacy

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DC Digital Literacy

Lisa Beal
I looked into Kidblog. I am always looking for different sites that encourage students to write and this site looked very "kid-friendly". However, I noticed that it is a paid site. I am going to use the free 30 day trial with just one of my 30 homerooms and see how they like it. I highly doubt that I will be paying for it after the trial but it will be something to try for fun to get these 5th graders who are starting to show signs of "Spring Fever" more motivated to keep learning! At first glance, it seems a bit difficult for teachers to maneuver. I'm struggling to figure out the "Join Code" because all I see is a link, but hope that once the students are with me, we can all figure it out together! We will see. It's something new, it has very colorful graphics/pictures and it looks as though Google Drive can be linked to their blogs so that will be a plus that we can build from!