Digital Literacy: Google Hangouts - Jeremiah Starr

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Digital Literacy: Google Hangouts - Jeremiah Starr

I explored the Google Hangouts app.  
This app is not that much different than other communication apps such as Skype or Zoom. However, I feel the Google Hangout app has a lot of built in convenience that some of the other software options do not have. First of all, anyone with a Google account has the ability to run a Google Hangout and set one up. Additionally, anyone with access to the link is able to access the meeting. This provides easy convenience to setup quick meetings for people to collaborate in.
Additionally, there is the ability to lock down meetings and make them a little more secure if that is what you are looking for. Which is a great option when using this software in front of a class.
I have had experience reading to my own children's classes via Google Hangout. The experience was seamless and worked really well. The software could be used to increase family engagement along with also gaining access to experts or people the class would otherwise not have access to.