Digital Literacy-Resources

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Digital Literacy-Resources

Stacy Walston
Communication:I currently use Google Drive and Google Classroom, but found an interesting site where kids can publish their work. Kidblog10 can be purchased for a classroom teacher.  In my case, teaching writing, this would be a cool tool to use, even though it would be at a cost to me.

Collaboration: I think Google Drive is a great collaboration tool for writing.  Students can share his/her work with other students to get feedback.  In addition to peer feedback, teacher input can be provided throughout the writing process.

Creativity: I love the idea of creating a Powtoon video to teach a lesson on a writing skill.  A grammar instruction video would be a fun way to add creativity to a topic not too often enjoyed by students.

Critical Thinking: Kahoot would also benefit students.  This could be used as a check for understanding grammar and traits lessons.

Organization:Mind42 looks like a cool tool to use in organizing information kids gather in writing expository or persuasive writing pieces.
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Re: Digital Literacy-Resources

Joyce Keeling
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Wow, you really presented several online sources in such a way that makes me want to try them out, if I was not familiar with those sources.  For instance, I have not tried Powtoon, but I will try that next. Thanks. Yes, I also like Mind42, as it does indeed help to organize. As I had posted as a good mind mapping type devices, too. Since I teach information literacy, I use mapping devices in many ways, like when  comparing sources.  When using a mapping device or graphic organizers, it is like creating a picture of what students needs to know.