Digital Literacy: Share Resource

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Digital Literacy: Share Resource

Emily Parakkal
Wow! There are so many great tools on these resource pages! I taught talented and gifted (ELP) and the gears are turning regarding how my students could have used these sites!

I think Prezi is a great way for students to share information and learn about creating a presentation. Google Drive could also be used, and is available to access from any computer.  Dropbox is also helpful for saving files so they are available for access at home or at a different computer. I have used Animoto to create a movie, also, and think this would be a fun and engaging way for students to share information.

Skype, of course, is a great tool but needs to be used with caution. It would be a good way to bring in an expert so students could hear from him/her without requiring travel.

Symbaloo is a good way to organize helpful websites. I did this for my students, but it would be a good way for them to save their sources as well.