Digital Literacy: Share Resources

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Digital Literacy: Share Resources

1Mona Bell
Continuation:  Digital Literacy. gov:  I would utilize creating games.  One game I would utilize is having the students to use their computers to pull up the definition of Digital Literacy.  Take words from the definition and apply it to fun things they like to do from home...

Professor Garfield Foundation Website:  I would create an activity on the do and don´ts of digital Literacy.  I would have them choose one of the do or don´ts they have experienced and what did to resolve it.  I would have them choose a partner and work together to create  short story and act it out verbally in the classroom with a short skit.

Digital Literacy resource:  I would have the students watch a Video regarding literacy.  I would have the students write a brief summary of what the Video meant to them and how they would apply it to their on-line use.