Digital Tools-pp. 23-27

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Digital Tools-pp. 23-27

Karla Lane
Communication Tools-I liked the Toon Doo.  I could see having my students design a cartoon of somehow explaining a topic, such as reducing fractions or dividing fractions.  It would then incorporate writing and processing of the steps to do that task so I would be able to see if they totally understood it.

Collaborative Tools- Realtime Board- I like this as we use white boards a lot but here they could take notes and keep them.  I was wanting t35jbgo incorporate flip books or small books for them to keep notes on but this may be a better option as they can't lose them.

Creativity Tools- Voki- the students again could create a character and then have to verbalize and explain a math process through their character and then share it so other kids are hearing it and then they can analyze if it is correct.

Critical Thinking-  A great way to do mapping of a main topic for math for notes and information kids can refer back to later.

Organization- Teachertube Video-  A way for me to organize videos for students to use when doing homework fi they need assistance.
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Re: Digital Tools-pp. 23-27

Greg Thompson
I like those ideas.  Let me know how they work.