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Lance Evans
This resource is not listed on any of the five pages here, which is a shame, because it is an EXCELLENT resource for students to "quiz" on many different subjects in the major academic areas. This one program provides quizzes and instruction for grades PreK-12 in English, PreK-8 in Math, plus Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Pre-Calculus and Calculus, as well as 2-8 in Social Studies and Science, and even an awesome introduction to speaking, reading, and understanding Spanish.

I highly recommend this resource for any teacher in just about any area - it also makes an excellent "filler" activity for substitutes (which is how I primarily use it) - all I need to do is figure out what subject they're studying in a given class, and look up the corresponding topic on IXL.  This way, when a student says they have completed an assignment and "is all done with everything", I can put them onto IXL, and they can practice a subject on that topic.

I have found that most schools I have taught at have obtained a school license for IXL, since it is such a good resource, so it seems to work out very well.