Padlet, Voki, Tynker, Scratch

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Padlet, Voki, Tynker, Scratch

Laura McDermott
Padlet is great since there is no login required for students to participate. It is quick and easy to use, and ll students get a voice.

I use Voki in several ways: 1. Students create a voki to represent themselves, using words describe who they are, then we do a guess who game. 2. 5th graders use it for their Explorer research, embedding into a Weebly web page. 3. In the past I have used it for animal research 4.I use it to introduce new topics to grab attention

Tynker, Scratch and are a few that I utilize when teaching coding. I like to download the Scratch to begin using it at 3rd grade level. The other two I use for online teaching. We do the Hour of Code in December with both. Scratch I use in the spring, many of the skills are transferrable.