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Kim Henry
I feel like I have some information overload after going through these pages of tools.  The one thing I know will be of immediate use for my students is Remind.  I teach 18-21 year old special education students.  Since they are adults, I like to give them information to share with their parents and group home staff directly to increase their responsibility as adults. We have been using basic cell phone calendars to put important events and information and to set reminders to let people at home know.  Sometimes, the information does not make it through to parents.  Although I have not had a chance to explore the Remind app yet, it seems like it has great potential for assisting with getting the information relayed effectively, but still allowing my students to be "in charge" of this communication.

In working with special education adults,  find that Smart phones are more of a need then a want. The applications available to my students currently and the certain development of new apps continues to improve outcomes for my students in their adult lives, by providing technology tools to overcome some of the learning deficits that they experience and which would have impeded their independence more in the past.
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Re: Remind Deelay

The original source is actually a Czech site called Deelay