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Lesley Finn
I looked at the Remind Website and thought about how good it would be for kids with attention and organization issues.  My own  child needs support with staying on top of his classwork and advocating for himself when he doesn't understand things.  I have seen this same issue with many students I serve with ADD/ADHD.  What a great tool for them to have access to.  I also like the ability of parental involvement in the communication process.  Many of our teachers at the secondary level use google classroom but I haven't seen how a parent could communicate with this rather than just emailing the teacher.  I think Remind might be a good piece to incorporate into 504 plan for students with Attention and Organization issues.  It will be something I will personally try out.
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Re: Remind

Shelley Brown
I think this tool would be helpful as well for many different situations! One in particular is that I have students in my morning classes who have said they are going to stop back after school to discuss something (like they are going to be gone or they missed a class or they just didn't understand something) and more times than not, they forget to come back at the end of the day. This tool would be very helpful in situations like this, along with many others.