Resource Evaluation

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Resource Evaluation

Jenni Olson
I've taken so many professional development courses over the years that have to do with digital resources that I am having a hard time finding any sources I haven't heard of or used before.  I thought I'd try out EverySlide, being one of the new ones to me, and the website is down.

Instead I'm trying out ToonDoo and it's fun!  I can see this being a neat way for students to present their learning. It's web-based, which our district will need in a year when we move to 1:1 with Chromebooks and all aspects of the cartoons are customizable, characters, backgrounds, speech, etc. I created my own avatar and I can use it as a character in my cartoons.

I also tried out Cacoo. I think this webapp will be useful as I am searching for and bookmarking webbased applications for use when we have only Chromebooks to use with our students.  Give then variety of diagrams that can be created and collaboratively shared, I think Cacoo will be a resource that I can share with middle school and high school teachers to use with their classes.