Resource share

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Resource share

Brad Leonard = We use the remind app a ton in terms of teachers, and mostly coaches getting out information to students and parents.  Most of our teachers have this linked in their syllabus for parents to join, and sign students up the first day of class, or practice. = I am not sure Today's Meet still exists and mostly we use Google docs. to allow kids to collaborate and ask questions as a teacher is going through a presentation.  This gives all students an equal opportunity to share their thoughts, most importantly the shy ones. = I explored Photo Peach a little and although there are so many presentation tools out there this looks like one that could be used by younger kids.  I really liked the interactive piece for an elementary classroom that had IPADS. = we use this with our younger students in Stem, and also just an introduction to coding in the classroom.  Great information and resources and not overly expensive, works with Google Classroom which is something all of our staff is using and would be a great activity to share on a virtual snow day. = Great tool for creating diagrams (which is something students struggle with).  Would be a great organizational tool for any HS course or content area but I can really see the application in the business and marketing classes.
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Re: Resource share

Shane Kalous
You are correct in that is a great tool for communicating and getting information to parents and students.  Great idea of having teachers link this in their syllabus.