Resources for the Classroom

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Resources for the Classroom

Janell ZW
Communication - I would use Remind in my classroom.  I have seen this is use in my children's school, mostly for their extracurricular activities.  This is a great way for parents to sign up to get reminders about important assignments or other activities they may need to know about.  Since it can go to either email or their phones there are multiple platforms to enhance accessibility.
Collaboration - I think that Google Drive and its different types of documents are one of the greatest sharing and collaborating applications available.  Students are able to openly share information with each other through these tools.
Creativity - I think Tagul looks fantastic.  It is similar to Wordle but has many interesting word cloud shapes that students would really enjoy putting together.
Critical Thinking - Cacoo provides many different word and idea mapping templates. I also like how you can use this in the Cloud and to collaborate in real time.  This would be an effective tool to use with online instruction as students use this to formulate their thoughts and make connections to concepts.
Organization - Dropbox creates a way to organize documents and photos and share them through the cloud.  Folders can be used to organize documents and the individual documents or folders can be selectively shared with others.