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John Kvapil
I took a look at
So far, it appears to be pretty decent way of finding relevant and interesting articles. My understanding that these articles or news are "scooped" by other used. So, I can scoop links and add them to a topic I created on my dashboard. In addition to adding links,  I can also publish my own content. This might be a great way to promote coding in my district by publishing tutorials and lesson plans which I have written. This is something that will take commitment to make it work, but it could be worth it.

Create a Graph: Oh...I see great potential with this. Students can create graphs, first deciding how it will look, add data, then labeling before saving it with the choice of many file types. Students can then view the HTML or SVG code to further manipulate it. This is neato.

This essentially has been a game changer for getting kids to start coding at an early age. It's all drag and drop and block coding, so no keyboarding of code is required. The logic and process remains the same. The idea is that once students understand the process, they can switch to writing code with something like javascript.

John Kvapil