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Lisa Dupuy
Communication: The resource that I would use with my students would be Twitter. You are able to follow a lot of different topics on Twitter such as: sports, news, music, entertainment, lifestyle, and many more. So there is a wide range of information on this website. The students would be able to look at different things that are going on in the world and follow different stories.

Collaboration: The resource that I would use with my students would be Prezi. This is such a great tool to use for really unique presentations. They are a really creative way to communicate your information to your audience. The nice thing about Prezi is that you make one page and you are able to link the different things on your page however you would like. You can imbed videos or even different websites into your presentations.

Creativity: Prezi would also be a good creative resource to use. They are just different than the typical PowerPoint most people would see. Animoto would also be a good website to use because you are making videos. This would be a unique way to add to a presentation.

Critical Thinking: Cocoo is neat because you can create different diagrams. Or even if you needed to brainstorm your ideas, this would be a different way to do it. There are a variety of diagrams that the students would be able to choose from depending on what they would need the information for.

Organization: Pinterest is a great way of organizing information. You can create different boards on your page. You can even share those with other people on Pinterest. The boards can be private or public. You can also search on Pinterest different topics, and it will bring up other people’s pins. You would also be able to go to different websites and pin your information right from their website.
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Re: Resources

Jamie Cason
I believe Pinterest is also an excellent way of organizing a variety of topics.  I love how you can save similar interests and keep it all together for later reference.