Science Notebooks

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Science Notebooks

Melodean Montaque
What are some commonalities in the three articles you read and the presentation?  
As shown from the sources the science notebooks are wonderful tools that work well in the Scientific Inquiry approach. It allows students to construct their understandings of concepts and provide teachers with a guide as they engage students in inquiry. It is also can enhance literacy and at the same time support differentiated learning.

Are you currently using science notebooks in your classroom?  If so, how are you using them?  If not, how might you use them?
No. I am not currently using science notebook with students however I have done so in the past. It can be used by students to record their conceptual knowledge and provide feedback on the new information they have acquired. It is a good tool to help students remember scientific concepts and is caters to different learning styles.
What are two new things that you learned from the readings and/or PowerPoint or something that reinforces what you are already doing with science notebooks in your classroom?
It is important to have the teachers input in the notebook because this is where teacher can provide scientific facts and conceptual understanding about different concepts. As is posited in earlier readings students need scaffolds and guidance as they navigate the inquiry process.
What are some advantages and disadvantages you see of using science notebooks?
the advantages are repeated throughout my answers from question one however from my experience implementing using science notebooks is more time consuming than expected. The full use of the notebook may be neglected at times to make way for students reasoning and reflecting on their conceptual understanding which sometimes require time that teachers often don't get the luxury of.

In what way, if any, do science notebooks help support what we have explored this week with regards to "How Students Learn Science"?
Science notebooks are ideal for engaging students in actively reasoning, questioning their conceptual understandings and for collaborating with their peers as the notebook allow them to record their constructed knowledge which can be examined by others. It also provides a source of information for their reflection on how they acquire knowledge.