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Share Resource - Christopher Mulder

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Share Resource - Christopher Mulder

10 posts
I found a couple resources that would be interesting to try with my students (Sketchboard, EdPuzzle, Google Arts and Culture).
I like Kahoot a lot.  I use it with my 3rd and 4th grade students as a fun art review or as a pre-assessment of techniques and projects to come.
Kahoot keeps the kids engaged in friendly competition.  We have played single and table teams.
I like how I can keep control of the information by creating my own Kahoots, but also enjoy exploring what other educators have created and shared.
Kahoot would be a fun way to review classroom/school rules and expectations at the beginning of the year too.
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Re: Share Resource - Christopher Mulder

Becca Stamler
5 posts
I also love Kahoot for the same reason of being able to control the content. My students love it when I make a personalized Kahoot over the specific content we just learned.