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Share Resource- Mapping Devices

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Share Resource- Mapping Devices

Joyce Keeling
This post was updated on Sep 14, 2017; 1:02am.
 Explore at least one site in each section. Share a specific resource you have found and how you might use this site with students. Once you have shared, explore other postings to find how other participants have used a tool. Make a comment on at least one post to explain how you might also use that tool.
https://cacoo.com/ and https://www.mindmeister.com are my favorite sites, as seen on the prior Symbaloo screen. Both sites are not only free and almost free, but great for creating mapping structures.   Both mapping device sites have templates making them both easy to use. The Mindmeister mapping device is being used to compare nonfiction and fiction books on a bear, so enabling another of the Common Core Standards on comparing fiction and nonfiction.  Another use will be to simply compare characters in a fiction story.  MindMeister (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mindmeister-mind-mapping) can also  be see on the Apps side of the Symbaloo screen. That Apps also enables mapping, although there is a monthly charge, so making one decide to use the actual mindmeister site, instead of the Apps. Whatever mapping devices are used, using mapping devices helps to reinforce a point in a picture type format.  Students are actively involved as they help to create the mapping devices with the class, so enabling more learning.

Joyce Keeling
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Re: Share Resource- Mapping Devices

Edgar East
I especially love mind mapping. It helps the visual student (and the non-visual as well) to keep all factors which influence an outcome in the forefront. When there are lots of things to keep in mind while trying to solve a complex problem and trying to make a decision, it's easy to forget critical details if they're  not staring at you in the form of a mind-map chart.
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Re: Share Resource- Mapping Devices

In reply to this post by Joyce Keeling
This I believe would be an excellent site for many students that are in our room on a daily basis. Many of our students are visual learners and it helps them to see things they are learning and help them to create a map of their writing. Not only does it help their writing it helps them to be creative in a number of ways so its not just a writing assignment its a creative way to write.