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Joan Musich
Today's Meet is a nice way to communicate.  During movies or presentation, students can ask questions immediately.  They can also get immediate feedback from teachers, as well as, other students.  Students that are quiet and not very verbal in class seem to have an easier time asking questions by writing them down.

Google Drive is a nice way to collaborate (most of the time).  Students do have the ability to change work and make comments to friends which is not always productive.  A nice feature is review history.  You can go back in and see who did what.  Once students realize this, they stay on task much better.  Groups of students can work on a single document or one presentation.  This works well when they are collaborating.

Prezi is a nice way to be creative.  It is an easy way to create a presentation.  It is nice to have other choices to create a presentation.  It is easy to use and eye-catching.

Create A Graph is works well for critical thinking.  It allows students to make many different kinds of graphs in a short period of time.  It guides them through titles and labels so the graph is set up correctly.  It is easy to switch from one type of graph to another using the same data.  It is also easy to adjust maximum and minimum points to look at misleading graphs.

Symbaloo is nice for organization.  You can make one for different sections (units).  It is an easy way to put together websites that are related.  One screen can have all your links.  Very handy!