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Jessy Rens
I have really liked using Padlet with my students.  I don't have a lot of wall space where I can leave up kwl , wonderings, quick exit tickets, posters, etc.  I like that padlet allows the students to access it and "like" a peer's post and/or comment on it if that setting is turned on.  I like the different layouts that padlet now has for whatever kind of discussion board, diagram, think chart you want to use it for.  My only downfall of Padlet of the years since I have first started using it when it was completely free, and know it seems to get more restrictive in the settings and with how many boards you are allowed to create on the free account.  In a small school district, free resources are a life saver.

I have also taken a Canva in the classroom class, and I am excited to use that tool for student collaboration and creation as it is free for education accounts and has a lot of wonderful features.