Share Resource

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Share Resource

Matt Johnston
The resource that interested me was Cacoo, a site I had not visited before. The purpose of the site is to help you create diagrams and flow charts online. One way that I thought would be really interesting to tie this tool into a plan is tying it to a lesson on evaluating sources for credibility. Having gone through the "credible source tutorial" tied to this course, I think students would benefit greatly from meticulously evaluating sources using the points tied to the questions who, what, why, when, and how presented in that tutorial. After going through the tutorial and taking notes about how to evaluate sources carefully, they could use the Cacoo site to create a step-by-step flowchart or diagram that they could then pass along for students to use when evaluating the credibility of websites. That way they are receiving the information, they are repeating it while putting it into a format for others to use (to practice it), and then they are basically teaching the info. to others by creating an efficient guide for them to use on their own through this flowchart/diagram site. Plus, when they're finished, they have a product for future reference that will help others (and teachers too!).
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Re: Share Resource

Gayla Young
I like this idea. It would be a great tool for upper elementary and beyond.