Share Resources: Padlet

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Share Resources: Padlet

Melissa Harmeyer
One site that I like for the communication section is Padlet. Padlet can be used within a class for students to share ideas. For example, students can respond to a class wide question on Padlet and all of their responses can be seen by others within the class. Students could also use Padlet within small groups and post different ideas or documents around a topic of idea that they are researching. As the teacher, I can review these ideas. If something is considered inappropriate or needs to be monitored, I have the power to change this.

I have used Padlet in the past in my classroom. I have had students keep logs of a technology experiment. During this experiment students are giving up a form of technology for 24 hours (exp: can include phone, youtube, TV, video game system, etc.) They are to complete a log that includes their thoughts on the experiences. By doing this in Padlet versus having them track it on their own to turn in, allows them to all read about each others experiences.