Share Resources

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Share Resources

Steffany King
I am a huge fan of Symbaloo.  I learned about it through another workshop I took a couple years ago and have used it on a daily basis ever since.  It allows me to collect links and resources in one place that is accessible on any computer I sit down at.  Being able to file my links in different collections allows me to organize and separate by school and personal, class by class, and any other method I wish.  I like that you can move links around and reorganize quickly and easily and the ability to share a collection allows me to search and provide appropriate links to my students for a research based project if I so choose.  The only frustration I have had is it is easy to delete a collection simply by clicking on the little x.  I have started doing a screen shot if I make major changes so that I can get things back in order pretty quickly.  It doesn't happen often, but it never happens at an opportune time so it's nice to have a quick back up to reinstate.
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Re: Share Resources

Melissa Harmeyer
I have never used Symbaloo myself, but have been given access to others symbaloos. I love when other people give me access to the important links found in symbaloo and would like to develop one for my own class with important resources for students. I think that it's a very helpful concept and aids students in organizing their research.