Share Resources

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Share Resources

Shawn Blin

Communication Tool - Google Drive
A couple of years ago my school went to a 1:1. With students have consistent access to email and such, I have started having students turn in research papers via sharing instead of printing. Google Drive is great, it keeps all of their papers in my Drive, and with Google Doc's there is a way to add comments so you can still put things that you would normally write on their papers. It also gives students the option to share documents with others and allow multiple people to add to the document. Group research projects work out great in this way, allowing multiple students to add to a document from different locations, making this a collaborative tool as well.

Creativity Tool - Prezi
Prezi is an interesting Presentation tool, I personally am not a huge fan of it. But I have a short project where students are to make a presentation over a topic they have researched. In the past I have had students use PowerPoint, but this last year I had a few students use Prezi and it was great. It is more engaging and visually appealing then PowerPoint is, so that is a great plus. But it also takes more time and creativity to use. I would say great for student use on a limited basis, but not so great for teacher presentations.

Critical Thinking Tool - Kahoot
Kahoot is great tool that can be used for formative assessment or for review games. I have used to several times in class and has always worked out great. It is very engaging and also competitive. Students really get into it.

Organizational Tool - Evernote
I have had several students use this as a note taking system. They can easily organize their notes and file then via topic. Some students find this a great alternative to note taking in a notebook.