Share Resources

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Share Resources

Shayla Witzke
Communication:  Little Bird Tales - students can write their own stories, add drawings or actual photos, record their own voices reading their stories, and share with family and friends - commercials would be fun to do with my older students as they have to choose or create a product, research it, and try to sell it

Collaboration:  Prezi would be a great tool for students to create a presentation showing their growth and progress throughout the year and then share those with parents at conferences

Creativity: - design something and write about it...either explain the process of creating it or tell about its use - could be fun to do and then have students create a commercial about their creation using Little Bird Tales, Prezi, etc.

Critical Thinking:  Kahoot - Get to know the teacher and get to know students activities at beginning of year

Organization:  Symbaloo would be a great way to set up sites you want kids to use in an organized way
  TeacherTube/YouTube - create a channel with videos I want students to view or students can create a
  channel for other students around a given topic or ones that they think would be good for others
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Re: Share Resources

Colleen Skolrood
Great information. I will have to check some of these resources out.