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Share resources
The Story Bird app looks like an excellent resource to get students involved in writing and publishing work they can be proud of. It has lessons on writing skills, writing prompts, quizzes and more. It also allows students to share their creative work on line. It looks like it would be simple to get a classroom started on this app.
These App pages offered the most "new to me" information from this course so far. I saw several useful and fun apps that likely would capture student's attention and might inspire new levels of classroom engagement. Since I am a full time day to day substitute, I wouldn't likely get introduce new apps in class.  However I can get the Storybird app for my grandchildren. Several are very creative story tellers and enjoy creating art to include. I write and arrange worship music the the tedious, old-fashioned way; so I'm also interested in looking closer at Audacity and Garage Band apps for my personal use.
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Re: Share resources

This looks awesome. It even looks like they could get hard copies of their books made. I had a teacher that did this, not sure if it was with this app, with their English class every year with poetry. They would compile all of their students' poems, with their names or listed as anonymous, and then would get a hard copy printed and would keep it in their classroom every year.