Shared Resource

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Shared Resource
I chose Kahoot. Students seem to love this every time I use it in the classroom. I pay for more content and I create my own quizzes to go along with lessons.
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Re: Shared Resource
I use Kahoots too and the students never get tired of this resource. I don't mind the cost when it provides such a positive result from using it.
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Re: Shared Resource
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I think it is an amazing tool for review.  I love how easy it is to create the questions and be able to add video or images to the questions.  Love this platform.
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Re: Shared Resource

Rachel Robertson
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I just did my post about Kahoot. This is a great resource for kids to use, most enjoy it as long as it's not too wordy and there are cool graphics you can add to it as well.
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Re: Shared Resource

Lynne Susie
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I also have subbed in a classroom where Kahoot was used.  I was my first experience using the website and I have fun with it!
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Re: Shared Resource

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Kahoot! is one of my favorites, as well! I also paid extra to create my own quizzes and the students really respond to this format. I highly recommend using this for review.
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Re: Shared Resource

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As a substitute teacher, I love Kahoots! The students seem to enjoy them as well. They are easy resources to use as a sub and work with.
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Re: Shared Resource
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I have not used Kahoot yet, but based on how much everyone enjoys using it, I want to try it for my lesson plans and quizzes. Making learning fun for students is so important.
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Re: Shared Resource

Heather Stivers
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The school that I work for uses KAHOOT! For a lot of reviewing activities. It is fun and very educational.  BLOOKET is another good tool to use as well.  Kids can learn so much while having fun.
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Re: Shared Resource

Kyle Billups
I have used Kahoot for awhile now and have transitioned more to blooket which is similar but students seem to enjoy it better.  I have also used quizlet for vocabulary which is another game online that kids enjoy.  In quizlet they can play as individuals or by random groups.  I use it as a group where each person are working on the same question but only one person has the answer on their computer.
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Re: Shared Resource

Heather Stivers
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I love using KAHOOT!  The kids really get into it and they are learning as they play.  You can choose what your want for content.
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Re: Shared Resource

Scott Hill
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I have also used Kahoot.  It seems to be popular with eh older students, which is always a plus.  It is a great tool for review of material.
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Re: Shared Resource

Kahoot works really well as a formative assessment tool.  The issue I have with it is that sometimes the students get too competitive and are more concerned about answering the questions quickly rather than correctly.
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Re: Shared Resource
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Students love this game! We use it in Science class and everyone is so competitive and wants to end up in the number 1 postion.
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Re: Shared Resource

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I had been using Kahoots for the first 8 years of my teaching. However I would encourage many of you to try and using Blooket. It is something that is very similar to Kahoot, however my students enjoy it even more than Kahoots.
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Re: Shared Resource- PSchnack
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It's also great because you can use the Search option and find quizzes/reviews that others have created and use it for your students.
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Re: Shared Resource

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I am a substitute teacher and i love Kahoot! It helps me know what they are working on so i can help and the kids love it!
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Re: Shared Resource

Deborah Bowers
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I am seeing information about Kahoot's all over the place. I checked it online and found that it began in Norway. Students love games. They like to see if they can beat the test or program online. I can use the Kahoot library or create a Kahoot myself. This offers lots of options.
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Re: Shared Resource
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I think Kahoot is a good item for most of the students.  It is fun and as stated in other posts if there are cool graphics and short attention needed it works like magic.  I believe we are going to use it for assessments in the next days.  That will be a use I have never tried before.  Kahoot is a Hoot