Shared Resources

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Shared Resources

Becky Andrews
I have used Padlet in my classroom before and really like the way that program will allow everyone to participate in questions and answers.  I have used Padlet as an exit ticket to see if the students really understand and met the objective for the day.

I also like Google Classroom if and I use it for assignments.  I can assign anything and see instantaneously what students has turned in the assignment and what students I still need to encourage.  You can set the assignment where only you and the student can see the responses or as a group where everyone can see responses and can add a reply back to someone in the class.

Wordle is a great tool for my intervention students.  I teach reading strategies and right now I am focusing on suffixes and their meanings.  Wordle is a good tool for them to create a page with the suffix bigger and bold and words that would use that suffix all around.