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share resources

Becki MIlliken
I have used several of these sites in my classroom.  At the beginning of the year, we explore metric prefixes and what kinds of things are measured in those kinds of units.  We do a collaborative linoit site for this with different canvasses for each prefix.  Kids add uses to the appropriate canvass as they find them.  My students have used animoto to create cartoons about scientists and their inventions or about lab safety.  We have also used Powtoons to create cartoons about famous scientists and their inventions.  I have used Diigo to organize resources I make available to my students since we are a one-to-one school with no textbooks. My students have used a wide variety of graphic organizer sites to make concept maps as a way to show me their prior knowledge about something.  We have used many shared google spreadsheets to collaborate on data.