I'd like to try (Lino - online stickies).
I currently use "Padlet" and it will be nice to try an alternative.
I will use both of these sites to retrieve information from kids. Assessments. As a music teacher, I teach children how to listen to music aesthetically. I will play a song and then they respond on the program how they liked the song. What emotion did it give them. It looks like both of these site will allow kids different ways to respond. Words and pictures. I love that I can post the board on the screen and they can see other kids post and get ideas or do something different.
I noticed Seesaw on one of the pages. Seesaw is an excellent Learning Management System for kids. You can assign lessons and children can respond by drawing, a photo, a video, or typing. I plan to use Seesaw this fall to make student Porfolio's.