My part time job has been using Google Drive for about the past 1-2 years. It has been extremely helpful to be able to share all of our documents and have an organized way to store and share everything among our coworkers. I really think teachers could benefit from using this as a way to share documents and lesson plans as well.
I also think Google Drive is very handy for a teacher, especially during the current pandemic. It is so easy to send out editable copies, read only copies, links to videos, etc.
Google Drive is so very handy when working with students that are online learning, but also when working with your coworkers across the district. We use it all the time for sharing in our PLC groups and other times when we need to meet, but are physically unable to.
I have had limited exposure to Google Drive but they have been positive experiences. I did a long-term sub position and my teammates were able to share with me all the lessons and activities with me and this was very helpful in know where everyone was and what the expectations were for each lesson.