I have enjoyed using SeeSaw with my students and families. My students are able to create portfolios to share their work with me and/or their families on a secure platform. Parents love seeing their child's progress in learning. I can leave feedback on student's work and send messages to both the whole class and individual students as needed. It is also a key link in communication with families as I can also send message to individual families or to all of the families at once. Parents can choose to receive notifications via email or text message and many prefer the text option so they can quickly see and respond to the messages. I found it so easy to remind parents of library day, message families about missing homework, or send quick updates about special school activities. I loved this app when we were in the classroom, but the communication tools became even more valuable when school was closed for COVID. I was able to communicate with parents daily and they were able to ask questions at any time with this simple convenient tool. Students were able to share work with me that they had completed at home and it was a nice way to keep everything organized.